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big panty woman - barefoot man

Oola pullala Oola pullala Oola pullala lay
Oola pullala Oola pullala Oola pullala lay
The band they were getting the riddim
The drummer was beating in time
They playin a real real hot soca
I had to get off my behind
I want to dance with a big panty woman
I want to dance with a big panty girl
I want to dance with a big panty mama
I want to give that big lady the whirl

How ′bout extra large? No bigger than that!
Double Ex. Bigger than that!
Triple Ex. Hah! That will do!
How 'bout double D, Bigger than that!
double E, Bigger than that!
double G
Size 52

I like plenty meat with potatoes.
I like plenty sugar with tea.
I like something that I can hold onto.
So come shake that dancefloor with me.

I want to dance with a big panty woman
I want to dance with a big panty girl
I want to dance with a big panty mama
I want to give that big lady the whirl

How ′bout extra large? No bigger than that!
Double Ex. Bigger than that!
Triple Ex. Yes That will do!
How 'bout double D, Bigger than that!
double E, Bigger than that!
double G
Size 52

I don't want to dance with a toothpick
I don′t want to dance with your bone
I want to feel all of your spare tyres
I want to feel all of your silicone

I want to dance with a big panty woman
I want to dance with a big panty girl
I want to dance with a big panty mama
I want to give a big lady the whirl

How ′bout extra large? No bigger than that!
Double Ex. Bigger than that!
Triple Ex. Hah! That will do!
How 'bout double D, Bigger than that!
double E, Bigger than that!
double G
Size 52

Oola pullala Oola pullala Oola pullala lay
Oola pullala Oola pullala Oola pullala lay


How ′bout extra large? No bigger than that!
Double Ex. Bigger than that!
Triple Ex. Yes That will do!
How 'bout double D, Bigger than that!
double E, Bigger than that!
double G
Size 52
(Musixmatch status: error!)

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